Purple Rose, Lavender Rose Plant
” Purple roses are quite rare not only in the garden but also as a bouquet. Perhaps this also explains their unique meaning: the flowers still exaggerate the statement of a red rose and stand for great admiration, love at first sight, and for the fact that one is downright enchanted by their counterpart.”Â
Common Name: Midnight Blue, Tradescant, Hansa, and Lavender Lassie are all purple and lavender rose varieties.
Its persistent abundance of flowers until deep into autumn makes the purple rose a real asset to any garden and its intense fragrance really invites you to dream. The plant is also characterized by its vigorous growth and healthy foliage.
A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. There are over 100 species and thousands of cultivars. They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing, or trailing, with stems often equipped with sharp prickles
Flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colors ranging from white through yellows and reds. Most species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. People widely grow species, cultivars, and hybrids for their beauty, and they are often fragrant.
Rose Plant Care Tips
- You must bear in mind the fact that roses are a type of highly fragrant flowers which come in a large number of varieties. From climbing roses to the ground covers you can get roses in different colors, fragrances, and sizes. However, to begin with, you must not be too ambitious in your plans. If you think that growing a large variety of roses at a single time is a good idea then you must think again. Many of them are not compatible and can feed into each other’s health, which can ruin your entire garden. Hence do not try to grow too many varieties at the same time.
- Roses grow best in a certain type of climate and environment. It is imperative that the rose bushes must get sunlight for a continuous period of eight hours. Even then too harsh a sun can be bad for the flowers. In severe winters, plant your rose bushes in a way that shields them from frosty conditions and harsh weather. Additionally, try to plant roses in organically rich soil.
- The timing of planning the bushes is also very important. Spring is the best period when you can plant roses. The first part of the fall is also a good time to plant roses. This is when the plant gets ample time to strike its roots deep before the arrival of the winter.
- Regularly water the rose beds to keep the plants well-nourished and ensure a healthy harvest.
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