Philodendron erubescens ‘Black Cardinal’ – Plant
A Philodendron erubescens hybrid, the glossy leaves on this compact tropical stunner change from burgundy red to dark green to a dark purple-brown that almost looks black as it matures.
also you can keep in the early morning light for 1-2 hours , twice in month
The philodendron black cardinal is a dramatically colored modern hybrid with its roots in Central and South America. it’s evergreen plant ornamental plant and it is a also a air purifier plant , it;s an evergreen plant with large heart-shaped leaves it’s very ,slow grower so you’ll need a lot of patience growing its but once it matures it truly becomes a stunning plant.
Key Features:
Unique Foliage: Glossy, burgundy-black leaves with a dramatic appearance.
Air Purifier:Helps improve indoor air quality.
Tropical Appeal: Adds elegance and charm to homes or offices.
Care Tips:
Light: Medium to Bright, indirect light.
Water: keep the soil consistently moist, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between. waterings
Soil: well draining potting mix.
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