Philodendron Burle Marx
If you are looking for a fast-growing and low-maintenance plant that will create an exotic atmosphere in your home, We suggest philodendron Burle Marx. And Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ is the best option for you. it’s very easy to grow beautiful plants with green, elliptical leaves that are thick and leather-like and arranged in an upright formation.
The plant leaves are shiny bright green heart-shaped and have reddish stems which give it a simple & sober look. Philodendron Burle Marx plant is named after Roberto Burle was the first architect to use native plants in modern landscape designs.
Burle Marx Care
To care for Philodendron Burle Marx use a well-draining airy potting mix consisting of 100% peat moss or a peat moss perlite mix. Provide bright indirect light and keep the soil slightly moist when watering. It grows best at a temperature between 64-79°F (18-26°C). 60% or more humidity is best for the plant to thrive. Fertilize once a week using a liquid fertilizer during the growing season,
Size & Growth
Philodendron Burle Marx is a small-sized plant, and the maximum height it can usually reach is only two feet. Regarding the width, it grows between two and four feet.
Burle Marx likes bright places but he doesn’t like direct sunlight. It is best to place it near a window with bright-coloured curtains where the light will be bright but defused.
Watering a Philodendron plant is much like watering most Philodendron plants. You want to keep the soil moist. You don’t want to drench the soil in water and you don’t want it to dry out. Over-watering your Philodendron is as dangerous as under-watering it.
Useful Tip
When you over-water, your plant is susceptible to different diseases. This includes the horrible root rot we discussed earlier. But root rot isn’t the only horrible condition your plant can go through. The other conditions are only a little better when it comes to planting damage. The only exception is during winter. When the cold months hit, you can let all the soil dry out before you water the Philodendron.
The best soil for Philodendron is 100% peat moss or a mix of 200% peat and perlite. For a plant, you need well-draining soil. This type of soil ensures excess water drains through the plant pot. This prevents all that extra water from building up in the soil.
Philodendron Burle Marx likes moderate room temperatures, from 60 to 75 degrees F. Still, they tolerate lower temperature conditions than most of the other houseplants.
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