Ekvilum Bel Patra Plant, Single leaf Bel Patra
It is a most rarely found species of bel patra. Special Feature of Ekvillam Bel Patra Plant is the beautiful design of their leaves. It represents unity of trideva.
Meaning of Tridev: Tridev in the Indian origin, means Hindu Trinity ( Bramha, Vishnu & Mahesh – The Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer; three gods in one)
- Ekvillam bel patra has a compound leaf consisting of three leaflets.
- They are three-lobed, with the lobes being cut about half-way into the centre of the leaf blade and having pointed ends.
- The stalk of the middle leaflet is much longer than the stalks of the two side leaflets.
- Shiny or dull, each compound leaf has 3 glossy leaflets, with smooth or toothed edges, ranging in size from 2 to 4 inch.
- The unique feature of three leaflets is that the center leaflet has a stalk, and the lateral leaflet does not.
Species of Aegle marmelos is commonly known as Bel Patra, also Bengal quince, golden apple, Japanese bitter orange, stone apple or wood apple, is a species of tree native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is present in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malesia as a naturalized species. Aegle marmelos plant is propagated through seeds and root suckers. Seed germinates best if the hard seed coat is softened first to allow the ingress of water. Then sow the seeds in the porous potting mix. Monsoon season is best for sowing and planting bel patra plant.
Planting and care
Sunlight: Full Sun
Soil: Well-drained soil
Water: Moderately
Temperature: 20 to 32 degrees C
Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer
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